Analysis Jenkintown and Act 511: A Missed Opportunity Jenkintown Matters, February 11, 2025February 11, 2025 An additional $700,000 in revenue would enable the Borough to maintain its police department at safe and appropriate staffing levels of two officers per shift.
Jenkintown Police Cheltenham Township Police Association Expresses “Deep Concern” Jenkintown Matters, November 21, 2024November 22, 2024 Letter received from the Cheltenham Township Police Association: The Cheltenham Township Police Association (CTPA) is deeply concerned about the threat of laying off police officers from your department. Relying on…
Jenkintown Police Abington Police Respond to Chief Scott’s Force Reduction Plan Jenkintown Matters, November 12, 2024November 12, 2024 We have become aware of a letter from Chief Thomas Scott to the members of his department informing them that their minimum staffing for night shift patrol officers (7pm-7am) has been changed to only one police officer on duty for the entire Borough of Jenkintown.
Jenkintown Police Jenkintown’s Police Situation: A Different Perspective — the One from Home Jenkintown Matters, October 8, 2024October 8, 2024 Being a police officer means making relationships with members of the community you serve. It means holding someone’s hand as you deliver news with empathy of the loss of a loved one. It means seeing a child in an abusive situation and being a safe haven for that little person. It means performing CPR on someone in the middle of a medical emergency until an ambulance arrives. It means standing in the rain and helping kids cross the street as they go to school and then making rounds in that school to ensure their safety throughout the day.
Jenkintown Police One-Man Jenkintown Police Patrols: Penny-Wise, Pound-Dangerous Jenkintown Matters, September 3, 2024September 3, 2024 We must stop pretending that Jenkintown is a bubble, immune from the potential dangers other communities are facing. Thinking “that would never happen in Jenkintown,” no longer applies.